Is your dog growly (aggressive) towards other dogs? Then help is at hand!
We know how frustrating and disheartening it is just taking your dog out for a walk or any place where there are other dogs around. Your dog’s thrashing at the end of the leash, growling, snarling and snapping at the air towards other dogs isn’t a pleasant experience for anyone involved. Or your dog might be, what we refer to as, the “silent assassin”… these dogs don’t emit any warning signs, they just lunge and bite unexpectedly.

Whatever your dog’s reaction or the reason for it, it’s important that you the owner, learn how to properly handle/manage your dog when out in public and most importantly, understand all the principles required to help rehabilitate your dog.
Our ‘Growly Grovers’ session is an intensive session designed to assist you and your reactive dog.
Important Note: There is NO such thing as a “quick fix” when it comes to reactivity issues… and if a “quick fix” seems to work, it is almost always temporary, with the behaviour returning at some stage…and, in many cases, worse than before.
Depending on the severity of your dog’s reactivity, it can take a number of months (including combination of both private and group training sessions) before your dog is confidently walking past other dogs, without looking as though he/she is thinking of lunging/attacking.
First one on one session includes:
- Short interview with theory session
- Assessment of your dog’s reactivity
- Control and leash handling.
- Specific exercises taught and practiced to assist with management and rehabilitation of your dog
- Includes what to do in emergency situation
- Handling and counter conditioning activities
The session will also make the transition into group based obedience classes much easier for your dog. You must undertake this program with your reactive before enrolling into our group classes.
Send us an Enquiry
To book in for a Growly Grovers session please send contact us using link below.
Here are some comments from some of our Growly Grover’s participants:
A brilliant tool not just for dogs but for life. I was able to relax more with my dog rather than panic and know that Kato will be okay.
This course has given me so much hope to continue for walking and further training with my dog.
Fantastic course…all should do!